tiistai 29. tammikuuta 2013

The young today

Being young today usually revolves around electronics and social networks. Our daily chore is to check facebook or twitter and then go to youtube. Younger people have the upper hand now by knowing how to use all the different electronics that are needed everywhere you go. But what some young people don't understand yet is that their education is the most important thing they're doing right now. Education is the key to our future. But the thing you need to find is what you like doing.
Our generation today is something new everyday. We can learn about places all over the world in minutes. We are learning and discovering new things everyday. But there are some people who do not wish to adapt to these new technologies and live plain simple lives. These people are called amish. The amish live in the countryside in little towns.They pretty much live off themselves by growing and cooking their own food. Why I am bringing this up is because I wonder why? Why do these people choose to stay back in a certain century instead of adapting to the new things.
For me, being young today is the best thing in the whole world. My favourite thing that has become very good is local transportation. Local transportation used to be a couple buses going to certain places but now you can take a bus anywhere. Its the most useful thing now and some people don't notice that. Also, gaming consoles have also been a big thing in my life. there a good way to have fun alone or with friends although some people might disagree. Communication with cell phones is now also much easier because you can talk to someone anyone at anytime. Its good for if you're going to meet someone and you notice you don't have time or if you get lost. But those are main things that affect my life now, in this generation.

2 kommenttia:

  1. You concentrated a lot on things and services that make your life easy but isn't this true for any age group, not young people in particular? But how do you personally feel about being young today?
    I can also see why you wonder about the Amish lifestyle (they only live certain parts of the US, by the way - not just anywhere) but what if you tried put yourself in their shoes. What might be their reasoning for their lifestyle?

  2. I was comparing to other generations or years for example 1920 when they didnt have as many buses as now but you are correct. How do I feel personally? I like it. I dont know how to explain it but im happy now and thats it. The reason I wrote that is because I was hoping that you might have an idea, but if I had to think of something, its that they want to be self reliant and indipendant. I think it would be fun to live with them for a month or so but that kind of life style is not for me. Thanks for reading!
